Employees are the best asset of every organisation. To increased productivity and encourage better teamwork, companies need to putting effort into employee wellness. This can reduce sick leave and workplace accidents. Arrange a time to speak to your team about ways you could work together to create better employee health as a company. Down are some suggestions on how to improve workplace health promotion with you team.
Focus on General Prevention
General prevention is very important for our basic lifestyle. General prevention is much cheaper and easier than cures. As a manager to spread positive vibe can arrange few programs to help your employees on health issues. Example, have a doctor visit to your workplace and speak to your employees about common health issue. Beside that, companies consider offer flu vaccinations and health insurances for employees as a rebate.
Healthier Eating
To prevent from future diseases we need to consider check on our healthier eating habits. To know that unhealthy eating is increased risk of loss of productivity and several diseases. The examples that companies can arrange for employees on workplace health promotion is provide a fridge for employees to bring in healthy lunches from home, provide a fruit bowl for free fruit, buy healthy lunches for team meetings and ensure any on-site vending machines contain water and low energy drinks and snacks.
Physical Exercise
Companies can encourage the employees on physical exercise. This will be a great way to take care of employees health. It can start with a low cost such as create and fund an employee sports team. Companies can encourage the team to walk daily if the office location near train or bus station. Enter employees in fun runs and charity events.
In summary, exercising more, eating properly, drinking more water can manage your stress level and with help of workplace on health issues can increase the productivity in work. Having healthy employees reduces time taken in leave, creates more motivated and happier employees and importantly displays that you care for your team and own self.