The cost of a poor recruitment and selection process?
A poor process significantly increases the probability of a poor hire. This has a significant negative impact on the organisation in two areas; financial & non-financial implication. The financial cost extends beyond the costs involved in appointing the person.
It also extends to the ongoing salary of the person and, where a probation period is not managed effectively or where a position turns out to be quite different to the position that was advertised, legal costs.
A poor hire can also have a demoralising effect on staff.
From a non-financial point of view, a poor hire can also have a demoralising effect on staff as their roles may be affected. Additional time, money and effort are require to bring the recruit up to standard, impacting the motivation of other staffs to carry out their own roles and responsibilities and eventually affects the productivity of the organisation.
Attraction of candidates
Attracting the RIGHT candidates to apply for the roles is an essential step in the recruitment and selection process. Without any candidate the process will be futile and pointless.
It is important to understand your needs and develop an attraction strategy that attracts the best candidates for you in the most cost effective and productive manner. Attraction strategies provide opportunities for an organisation to market and communicate the benefits they can offer applicants.
Alchemy Matching Matrix
Short listing of candidates
The process involves determining which applicants meet the minimum key selection criteria, KSC to perform the job satisfactorily and/or ranking applicants to progress to the next stage of the selection process.
Best practice techniques in short-listing candidates include:
- Use a standard placement form. This form should include:
– standardised format so that information collected from applicants is designed to reduce potential subjectivity in the assessment process - using a matching matrix to evaluate whether applicants meet the key selection criteria and/or determine ranking for the next stage of the process
Selection: Robust & structure matching
Interviewing of candidates
Research suggests that many organisations conduct unstructured interviews when conducting interviews. They may ask the same set questions to each candidate believing this constitutes a ‘structured’ interview. It is only considered best practice if the structured questions are behaviourally-oriented in nature.
The objective of behaviourally-oriented questions is for the candidate to demonstrate through past experience that they meet the required Key Selection Criteria, KSC. The KSC arising through the job analysis process should be used to create the behavioural-oriented interview questions.
At Alchemy we target candidates with performance related behavioural oriented questions to accurately target the RIGHT candidates for your hiring needs.
Alchemy Matching Matrix
Our methods are robust & structure to deliver the RIGHT candidates to meet your business objectives.
The following methods are employ:
- Alchemy placement form capture the Knowledge, Skills & Attributes, KSA
- KSA will then be matched with our pool of candidates to short list & select the most suitable candidate
- Our interview process employs a matching matrix methodology to deliver the best match