


What could be the most important factor to have employees in a workplace to stay engaged and productive?

Is there one specific factor or are the factors to be considered?

Researchers and surveys in the workplace have proven that there are varying factors (i.e. building trust, recognition, sense of safety, and optimism) that influences employee’s engagement. In this article, we would focus on the pivotal factor of employee engagement, building trust.

What does trust looks like and mean in the workplace? With an increased trust built in a workplace setting, this value can be converted into an advantage for the organization through increased employee engagement and productivity.

A significant point to note is that trust in an organization is about being compliant to a certain expanse of uncertainty. It is about the willingness of an employee to perform their duties without seeking for only exchange of rewards (e.g pay) for their work but the willingness to be vulnerable and accept vulnerability in others (Queens University IRC, 2018). Research studies have proven that organizations that places priority on trust have major advantages as below (Campbell.W., 2015): –

  • 16% greater profit margin
  • 19% greater operating margin
  • 18% greater productivity
  • 6 times the earning-per-share growth of less-trusting companies.

The improvement in performance concludes that where there is employee trust, there would be increased performance and productivity as trust translates into performance of an individual.

Here are 5 key points to build trust to take away in the HR Space (TinyPulse, 2020):-

Consistent and Transparent and Communication Practices

Firstly, set a regular timing for internal discussions. Schedule consistent times for all employees regardless of their location (remotely or no). Secondly, encourage two-way communication. Always ask for questions and suggestions from employee and vice versa. Giving them a voice builds trust among employees in the organization.

Establish Living Values

Values acts as a tool that guide employees on decisions they make. As a leader, one should walk the talk at all times.

Show Compassion and Kindness without Expectations

One could support a non-profit act monetarily or simply by investing their time, providing financial support or relief for the sick employees or their family members.

Recognize Employee Contributions

Recognition is a fundamental element that improves employee engagement while building trust. Employees would appreciate and have an increased sense of trust if they are aware that their contribution is recognized and matters to their superior.

Provide Opportunities for Participation

Employees are often first contact to customers or end user and they have a better understanding of the issues that are commonly dealt in an organization. Employers should encourage the involvement of employees in solving challenges and issues faced as this would consolidate trust among employees.